Jobversal Blog

Culture Shock while Living in Germany

Moving to a new country can be an exciting and life-changing experience. However, it can also be challenging to adjust to a new culture, especially if it is vastly different from y...

The job application process in Germany: What you need to know!

The job application process in Germany can be a challenge for many people, especially for those coming from abroad. German work culture differs in some aspects from other countries...

Schulsystem in Deutschland

Initially, children attend elementary school for four years. In the fourth grade, they decide how to continue their education. The secondary school system is divided into Hauptschu...

Education in Germany

Dual-company training Your training takes place in a company. During your training, you will attend vocational school. This provides you with theoretical and practical knowledge...

Financial Aid System in Germany

If you are an employee or self-employed and your income is not enough to live on, you can apply for unemployment benefit II at your responsible job center. You can also receive une...

Child Care

Even in the first year of life, children may be entitled to support and care in a daycare center, with a childminder or with a childminder. This applies, for example, if both paren...

Health Insurance

In Germany, health insurance is mandatory. This means that all citizens are obliged to take out health insurance. This is to ensure that no one suffers financial hardship because o...

Driving License

A foreign driver's license is valid in Germany for six months. This period begins on the day on which one has a normal place of residence in Germany. This applies to so-called ...

Finding A Job And Working in Germany

A classic dream? Or a new life opportunity? There are many requirements to be fulfilled in order to find a job in Germany, where everyone dreams of working or living at some poin...
